Finger Lakes Lace Guild
2025 Lace Day

Dates  To Be
Announced Soon

Watch for Registration Details in June
on this page or

Retreat Booklet 2023_10_9.pages
Retreat Booklet 2023_10_9.pages

Van Sciver Bobbin Lace
Purveyor of the Finest Quality Lacemaking
Supplies and Instruction for over 50 years

| Home | Books | Private Sales | Videos and DVD's | Threads |
Continental Bobbins | English and Antique Bobbins |
Pillows | Pattern Materials | Patterns | Tools | Kits | Pins |
Bobbin Winders | Insert Jewelry and Boxes | Jewelry |Designs Aids | Lamps and Magnifiers | Tatting | Miscellaneous |Workshop and Teaching Schedule |
Order Form |

Looking for gift ideas? 
Then get a Van Sciver Bobbin Lace
Gift Certificate
for your lacemaking friends and family.

Call or email today for expert and personal service
back by 49 years of lacemaking instruction.

Worldwide Service
Accepting Visa, Master Card and Discover!
Be sure to refresh your page in order to see new items.
The Beauty of the Orient
Painted in Thread
A Lace Journey

Yvonne Scheele-Kerkhof
Floral Bedfordshire
Yvonne Scheele-Kerkhof
Are the Lacework of Nature
Ulrike Voelcker
Thread and Pricking
A Partnership

Martina Wolther-Kampmann
Lace Threads
in dD
Martina Wolther-Kampmann
One of the most beautiful books we have ever seen about lace. This 144 page book is in full color featuring laces with Asian techniques made by Uvonne Scheele-Kerkhof in Withof and Floral Beds techniques.  Beautiful photographs with quotes from notable people show the meaning and symbolism of the motifs.  This book is a feast for the eyes for all devotees of fine textiles and those who love beautiful things.  Now at 1/2 price!
This book begins with a section on techniques followed by 40 all new patterns designed and made in the Lester tradition. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of Lester lace this book will not only be of interest to students of Bedfordshire, but those lacemakers who like to make Honiton, Duchesse and Bucks as well!  Just reduced.

With ferns as the theme this is a catalogue of ferns showcases the interpretive lace work of Ulrike Voelcker as inspired by botanist Willard Nelson Clute.


Back in stock!  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get one of the last copies of Martina’s guide to thread selection using the Dd method of measuring.This book includes a conversion chart that measures distance between pin holes mm over 11 pins.  It also has an informative section in front that includes copious information on thread fibers, the twist, cultivation, properties, measuring system and much more.   While supplies lasts! This compilation of thread thicknesses is easy to use More then 800 threads are measured in dD.  This is a wonderful reference for anyone trying to understand thread comparisons between brands and fibers.
Sale:  $39.95
Sale: $39.95

1. What's New! Updated January 10, 2025

2. General Information

I invite you to peruse these pages containing my broad inventory of quality bobbin lacemaking supplies by clicking on one of the areas above. With the help of the computer, I am able to update my catalogue frequently giving you the most accurate reflection of available items and their prices. However, due to fluctuations in foreign currency, prices may change without notice. If you have any questions about the items listed on these pages, please feel free to call me at (607) 277-0498. Note that my stock is expanding and changing daily, so if you don't see something you want please call or e-mail me at I am also available for vending at Lace Days so call or e-mail me about any event your group is planning.

If you are looking for an experienced teacher please keep me in mind! Note that I have vast experience teaching throughout North America and can give you numerous references. I teach courses at all levels in Torchon, Bedfordshire, Honiton, Bucks Point, Russian and more! I am happy to tailor workshops to suit your group's needs. Click this link to see a schedule of my 2024 Workshops & Lace Days.

3. Order Information

Over the years, I have found that the best way to select supplies involves careful consideration of the lacemaker's needs and interests, so give me the opportunity to use my 48 years of lacemaking & teaching experience combined with my knowledge of world-wide lacemaking resources to help you with your choices. When placing an order I recommend telephoning me at (607) 277-0498. However, if you are sure of your choices, please email me directly at with your order. I will confirm your order by email including a total for your order. Payment can be made by check or money order made payable to Van Sciver Bobbin Lace. Orders are shipped the same day they are received. When ordering by email, I recommend that you print out the order form, complete it in full and then prepare an email including all pertinent information. If you order by email, be sure to check your email in the event that I have questions and to confirm your order. Additionally, an informative and illustrated printed catalogue is available by emailing me your address or calling me at:

Holly Van Sciver
Phone: (607) 277-0498

Most shipments within the USA are sent using two day priority mail service. Orders for supplies will be filled immediately and will include a free catalogue update. Please include an additional 8%
($7.50 minimum under 1 lb., $10.50 minimum over 1 lb.-$12.00 maximum) of the total order to cover postage and packaging. Orders including pillows, stands or s&h over the $12.00 will be shipped at cost.  New York State residents must add sales tax applicable to your locality (generally 7% - 8 1/2%).  Returns require preapproval.

Shipments outside the USA are sent by USPS at cost.  Please submit your order and I will quote your shipping options by USPS Express, Priority or International First Class by return email.